The latest turf identification disease guide aims for assisting tur professionals in South Africa in particular to help identifying, controlling and treating turf diseases commonly ocuring in the vast country.
Turf diseases that have been included in the guide, include:
- Ectotrophic root infecting fungi
- Fairy ring
- Mildew diseases
- Pythium disease
- Rhizoctonia disease
- Rust and Smut disease
It also covers:
- Dollar spot
- Anthracnose
- Fusarium / Microdochium patch
- Grey leaf spot
- Red thread
The guide will help identifying each turf disease as well as treating them, both preventively and curatively. The information is applicable to grass playing surface for golf, bowls, soccer, rugby, horse racing and any other sport or amenity grass.
You can download a copy of the 2021/2022 Syngenta Turf Disease Guide here.